Aug 31, 2007

Been soooo busy doing preparation for tom..
Cleaning the outlet together with Nur and Fita.
Started at 3pm and finished at 8pm.
. To my dear Lord,
thank you for your love & blessing! .

Aug 30, 2007

la.. la.. la.. aku bahagia, bahagia, sangat bahagia!!
hhhmmm, senangnya! sekaligus nervous.. hehe :P
two more days for the opening!!
Waroeng CuKa will be 100% real..
. Thank GOD!!! .

Aug 29, 2007

Agenda of the day

Morning : Waroeng CuKa Staff signing contract day.

Afternoon : Moving in inventories of Waroeng CuKa to the outlet.

hhmmmm, two steps ahead.. three more days to the BIG day of Waroeng CuKa

. God, thank you for your loving and bless!! .

Aug 25, 2007

a meeting with Waroeng CuKa staf will be held at 11:00 am today.
the agenda and other things are set up.
we might got to visit kios all together after the meeting.

Aug 24, 2007

tadi pagi ke kios sm nyokab, cek sana-sini apa yg perlu diberesin sebelum pindahan.
kalo menurut nyokab sih itu pohon ga usah ditebang, karena nanti jadi silau, katanya..
terus, itu jendela yg hanya berteralis, minta dipasangin kaca..
sama pintu dapur minta dilapisin fiber lah, biar agak ketutup, gitu.. :)
kalo yg lainnya sih standard aja.. dibersihin, dirapihin, di-cat & di-plitur ulang..
satu lagi.. dah di-DP-in lho.. heuheuhe

cihuy.. Waroeng CuKa 'dah punya lokasi outlet deh!!! hoorayyyy!!!

thanks to the Lord for His blessing!!

Aug 23, 2007

Hari ini hasil psiko test calon karyawan Waroeng CuKa sudah keluar.

Agak surprise juga dengan hasilnya, lho..
Congratulations to the chosen ones..

To not-chosen ones.. you girls still have another chances to try.

Just keep your self busy with school & your services!
May God always give us all the best in life, amen!

"Rencana kita belum tentu adalah yang terbaik untuk kita. DIA yang Maha Kuasa tahu dengan pasti apa yang terbaik untuk kita, maka terjadilah apa yang menjadi kehendakNYA!"

Aug 21, 2007

hari ini survey lokasi untuk outlet.

found one kios (also talked to its owner) with specs:

  • PxLxT = 6m x 3m x 3m (main room)

  • toilet (full ceramics)

  • mini kitchen

  • share electricity & water with owner (they have 4400W) but 150W usage or under is free.

  • payment can be cash or credit (anually, per 6 months or monthly).

  • BIG parking area. (like it soooo!!)

the only lack i found from this kios is it doesn't face the boulevard. it faces the parking area, plus it has a tree in front of it. dunno if it can be removed or not. hopefully yes.. :)

so.. let's me think and discuss it with my consultant.

Aug 18, 2007

Create your own Friend Test here

give your self a little test.. :)
have fun!!

Aug 17, 2007

Setelah berkutat dengan si Lisda untuk sekian lama, akhirnya final juga design untuk Spanduk dan X-Banner Waroeng CuKa, beserta stempelnya..

Lisda.. sorry yah kalo kelamaan, gue emang perfectionist kalo soal kerjaan, heheuhuehe :)

But thanks a lot to you, my dear!!

List harga sudah dibuat..

Puji Tuhan..
Per tanggal 17 Agustus 2007 (INDONESIA, MERDEKA!!!) persiapan pembukan Waroeng CuKa bisa dikatakan sudah lebih dari 90%.

So, let's us wait for the BIG day!!!